(310) 377-6761

Pet emergencies come in many forms: sudden illness, an accident, a serious injury, or complications after surgery.
What Is a True Emergency?
Perhaps your pet is demonstrating unusual symptoms or seems to be injured but not in much pain. You are encouraged to call us for guidance or to discuss a problem. By asking a few questions, our veterinarians will be able to advise you of the most appropriate course of action.
It may be helpful to learn some of the basics of pet first aid. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) offers these emergency guidelines. During an actual emergency, however, we encourage you to contact our hospital at once.
If your pet is having an emergency outside our normal business hours, we recommend going to the following pet emergency hospitals.
ACCESS Specialty Animal Hospital
South Bay - (310) 320-8300
VCA Advanced Veterinary Care Center
Lawndale - (310) 542-8018